
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Love This Boy... My Winning Layout from 2016 CTMH Convention

I was so excited to have placed in the Top 10 for this year's layout contest for Consultants at our Close To My Heart Convention in Disney World!

This is my layout...

 (I blurred out most of the journaling because it is pretty personal...)

There were certain criteria for our layout submissions, and there were so many wonderful layouts this year.

They made the announcement for the Top 10 at the Awards Banquet.

I won a bag full of new products, and I had to go onto the stage to receive it!  So cool!

So, who's coming with me next year???

I would love to have you join my team so we can do all of this fun stuff together!

Love my job!  :)


  1. This layout is gorgeous, I am not surprised that you got some recognition for it!

  2. great the color combination!

  3. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing with us that weren't there. Love your amazing pages and of course the cutest baby boy.


♥♥♥ I really appreciate your comments. ♥♥♥