
Friday, July 24, 2009

Back Country Workshop Layout

This is the layout my Workshop Club gals get to make this Sunday. I created this one to show them, using pictures from Lee's fishing trip that he took at the beginning of July. My picture is a little washed out because I took the pic out on the deck while the bright sun was high in the sky, so it's looking a little muted.

For the journaling, I decided to keep it really simple using the 5 Ws as my starting point. Wow, journaling has never been so easy... lol.

It seems like forever since I made a layout. I guess it was only a month ago for our last workshop. But that was more of a "have to", not necessarily a "want to". KWIM?

Supplies (all CTMH unless otherwise noted): Back Country Level 2 paper pack, Back Country My Stickease, Campin' Fever stamp set, Rustic Alphabet stamp set, Tiny Typewriter Alphabet stamp set, Brown Bag ink, New England Ivy ink, Outdoor Denim ink, Dimensional Elements In Color - Adventure, Outdoor Denim Twill ribbon, Make-up sponge (other), Scor-Pal (Scor-Pal), Brown Journaling Pen (SU)


  1. Awesome lo's, Vicki! Love that new paper.

  2. Love this LO Vicki. I love this paper...have yet to use it.

  3. Great layout Vicki! I haven't ordered this paper yet, but I really like it.

    Kind of crazy, I've hardly ordered anything out of the current Idea Book and we'll be getting the new one in about a week! Can't wait! Thanks for the inspiration!


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