
Monday, October 26, 2009

Criss-Cross Card Box

Well, I'm feeling under the weather today. But not so sick that I had to lay down... instead I worked on making this card box that I had in my mind, and worked on a tutorial to go with it. It's my first tutorial, so I have to make sure I have the bugs worked out before I share it with everybody. So if you're interested, check back in a couple of days and hopefully I'll have it posted here to share with all of you.

I asked some fellow CTMH Consultants to try my tutorial out to make sure it's good before I post it, because my head is somewhat discombobulated right now. (Is that even a word???) Lisa S. mentioned that there's a tutorial by Nichole Heady for a Criss-Cross box, so of course I had to check it out. It's awesome! It looks like it makes a 3" wide by 4 1/4" tall x 1" deep box.

So it seems like there's no such thing as a new idea anymore. Who knows, somewhere along the way, I may have seen someone's project using her tutorial and it stuck in the recesses of my mind. Hard to say.

I designed my card box to hold 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" cards with envelopes, so it's a good size, measuring 6" tall x 4 3/4" wide x 1" deep. Don't forget to check back for my first ever tutorial! Hopefully it won't be too long of a wait. ;)


  1. Absolutely beautiful, as is all of your artwork!!! Can hardly wait to see your tutorial - I'll be a stalker until it's ready!!! Thanks for sharing,

  2. BEAUTIFUL! I'm glad I follow your I can see the tutorial!

  3. Terrific work Vicki! There's that layout again. Love the flowers. Is your dp another random stamp creation?


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