Thursday, August 11, 2011

What Lee & I were up to last weekend...

Building storage!  We are slowly picking away at the numerous tasks that need to be done in our new home.  We recently bought some supplies to create and build our own master bedroom walk-in closet organization from scratch.  It's so nice to have our clothes out of boxes!

I know I haven't shown any updated photos of our home since we moved in and I've had quite a few requests over the last while.  I'm happy to say that we finally got our high-speed internet up and running today, so I will be able to add pictures much more easily here on my blog.  My plan on sharing some more house photos is on my to-do list.  ;)

But for now, here's a few more pictures of the closet process...

If you look at the top of the above picture, you'll see I have room enough to hold my most often used luggage.  Which is great when packing... stored right in the closet... awesome. 
(Lee has his own side of the closet.)

This may look a little anal, which yes, I guess it is.  But I'm glad I took the time to color sort my clothes.  It's so much easier when I'm looking for a specific shirt!

It's still a work in progress.  I still have plans to add some shoe racks, and also some shelving for linens at the far end.  All in due time...


Cole has been away for the past 5 weeks with his Aunt, Uncle and 2 cousins in Hawaii, and they are getting back today.  Can't wait to see him!



Michelle Quinno said...

I'd love to redo our master closet! Yes, it's anal, but I sort by color too. I cannot believe all your hoodies though! LOL

Vicki Wizniuk said...

Yeah, I know, hey! I do live in Northern Canada, tho... our leaves are already starting to turn color here. ;)


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